Better Lovers

Chapter 2:
A Wet Bio Coder

A Wet Bio Coder is the second chapter in a series of films loosely conceived of as a guide for learning how to throw on the potter’s wheel through hypnotism. The 8 minute film explores craft logic with haptic aurality and poetics.  A voice guides you across a field, under your fingertips and around your soft palate. You will be hypnotized. You will wander and trespass. With calibrated words and spinning objects you will hear what you want to hear, the flashing moments layering themselves seamlessly into consciousness. The wheel is humming gently.

Chapter 2: A Wet Bio Coder premiered in Zagreb at the Interface Festival in 2020, and was screened in the Single Channel Film Festival in Vermont in 2021. 

single channel video

A film by
Better Lovers + Hsin-Yu Chen

With Layla Marcelle, Amy Shindo, Gerald Brown and Ana Mosquera

Director of Photography// Xia Zhong
Production Design// Better Lovers
Assistant Camera// James Yealy + Kyungchung Min
Art Assistant// Jeff Werner
Production Assistant// Juliana Wisdom
Editing// Hsin-Yu Chen
Colorist// Kyungchung Min
Sound Mix// Peiju Wang
Animation// Matthew Shackelford


Better Lovers is Layla Marcelle + Jacob Raeder
Copyright 2021 Layla Marcelle